Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Sights from my Bike Ride

I only rode 13 miles today.  I'm proud of myself for not overdoing it!  I told PD I was only going to do 10 but it turned out a bit longer.  It wasn't quite as sunny and warm as yesterday but still a nice day.  I stayed mostly on flat paved trails and used my pedal assist so I wouldn't strain my hip.  I'm grateful that it only feels tired and no more achy than yesterday!

My collage isn't as interesting today because of the shorter ride and not as much to see on the urban trails.

Top Row:        The local airport is close by, so I can always get an airplane shot.  Too cold for skydivers today, though.
                         Hard to see, but that snowy outcropping from the ice looks like a goose.  I hope it isn't!
                         Black-tailed Prairie Dog

Middle:            I was sad to see that this cafe is closed.  It 's been there forever.  Probably another victim of Covid. :(
                         Valentine décor in my neighborhood
                         Time to take down the Christmas decorations!

Bottom:           Female common Merganser
                         There was a lot more ice the last time I blipped this.  Hopefully, the spring thaw is beginning!
                         Trixie.  My friend wanted photos of my bike and I liked this one. :-)

I've added one extra for Paola.  I think this is the area where her daughter lived and she visited before I knew her on Blip.

It's way past my bedtime now.  I love the Olympics but I'll be glad to get back to my normal sleep pattern!  Too tired for journals tonight and too busy tomorrow.  I'll catch up with everyone on Wednesday.  It's going to be another snow day. :-)

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