I had decided to use Mr. HCB's Mum's snowdrops, or at least one of them for Tiny Tuesday, but at 8.51 it started raining and hasn't stopped since and it's now after 2 o'clock.  We know that was the exact time because Mr. HCB was due to go for a walk with his friend, Barry, but he rang at  8.10 to say that although it wasn't raining at that precise moment, according to his "intel" it was due to start at 9 o'clock and if they went walking they would get very wet.

I went in to have my shower, after Mr. HCB told me he wasn't going out and when I went back into our bedroom, we saw some spots of rain on the window.  I looked at my watch, laughed and said "Mmmm 8.51 - Barry was a few minutes out!"

From then on, it rained and rained and rained and as far as I can remember back to my school days, I believe the French for that is "Il pleut à verse."  When I looked this up, the translation was "It's piddling down" or "It's pouring down" and it has certainly done that all morning.  In fact, we had to keep the patio doors to the conservatory closed, because the rain sounded so loud on the roof.

Undeterred, after putting on my wet weather gear, I went out to take some shots of the snowdrops, but wasn't happy with them - it's not easy taking photographs whilst holding an umbrella - so Mr. HCB offered to hold the umbrella for me and between us we managed.

I'm still not that happy with the shots, but I'm not going out there again - I have too many books to read!

Theirs is a fragile but hardy celebration...
     in the very teeth of winter.”
Louise Wilder

P.S.  I am trying to limit my time on FB but am still putting my Blip on there each day - so apologies and thanks to those friends who comment on there.

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