Life through my eyes

By Amanda_T

Almost finished!

While Mr T was sleeping/napping today I managed to finish the living room painting. There might be a couple of bits but I need sunlight to check.  This part under the stairs had been annoying me as it really needed a second coat.

I had a lovely chat with Mum this morning and told her about how the CCG had been trying to get me to withdraw the formal complaint about their failure to follow the CHC process correctly, then the people who are supposed to order or medication, and wondered why I was questioning him!  Eventually he worked out it was 37 days since they called us, and Mr T gets a 28 day supply of medication.  It took about 10 minutes but he got there in the end, them told me his computer was a bit slow.  I resisted the obvious response!

We had quite a busy day so Mr T is a bit more muddled up.  Age UK have matched him with a befriending volunteer.  A gentleman who's newly retired and they got on well.  We will see next week!  It's good I think for him to have that different conversation and also for it to be a morning visit.  Mr T mentioned that they should go out walking (he does forget he can't really walk now).  The chap did seem up for helping safely into the stair lift and taking him out in his wheelchair when it gets warmer.  We'll see, but it would be so good for him.

Then this afternoon was catheter change.  In between chats with my sister and Dad, who called me again when he didn't mean to!  He did laugh this time though and I said it was nice to hear him laugh again.

Mum is doing ok.  Definitely sounded brighter this morning, fingers crossed she can come home on Thursday.

That was a long entry for a grey day!

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