Super Gut

By supergut

The picture.

First day in school this week. My school started 10.00.
Woke up 10.10.
Second entry is 10.15, and I somehow made it. After my lesson, I saw couple of friends, went to eat, and while leaving cafeteria we noticed a A4 paper on cafeteria window.
No lessons after lunchbreak because of water accident.

So we went out, had fun and enjoyed of beautiful summery weather.

Today I'm sad to inform you that I had to go with my backup idea. After last 4 days long hours outside I'm too tired to think anything more useful or better than this.


Please check my backblipped last 4 pics:

1.5 Super red Sunset
2.5 The shore
3.5 Meat
30.4 1st of May celebration

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