Good Grief!

Bed at 2am after seeing son-in-law and family head off in an attempt to drive from Manchester to Livingston - he failed and had to stop.

Woken at 5.45am by the alarm clock in the hotel bedroom.

Woken at 5.55am by the alarm clock in the hotel bedroom.
Must have hit 'snooze' instead of 'Shut The Hell Up'.
Unplugged said alarm clock from the wall.

Woken at 6.05am by the alarm clock in the hotel bedroom.
Took it to the toilet to drown it and found a 'back up battery' compartment.
Ripped out said back up batteries and threw all parts in the corner.

Woken at 9.30am by ............ well - not needing more sleep.

SWMBO and I had a stress free drive home but were not too chuffed at the snow still lying on the ground just a couple of miles from home.

27C to 5C an come as a bit of a shock to the system.

Opened the suitcase, returned to the house and sat and had a nice cup of tea with the lass who had been feeding the cats while we were away.
After that ........ finish unpacking and start to catch up on 'stuff'.

Was it really only 4 days ago that we were basking in the sun at No1 sons wedding?

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