Tuesday: Under Granville Bridge

My international engagement continued today in the form of lunch with my Greek colleague and then running into Irish Frank on the street.  My Greek colleague took me to a Greek restaurant - the food was excellent but I felt most garlicky afterwards.

This evening we took our cat sitter, Maria, out for dinner.  She has been absolutely amazing for years, always available to cat sit and doing a fabulous job.  It’s a bit of a conundrum - she has a full time job in high level finance but does cat sitting on the side, sometimes looking after up to 11 cats.  Guess she likes them.  Whatever her motivation, she is superb.  And we will never forget how she virtually kept our darling Fred going when he took a turn for the worse while we were on holiday.  She kept him on a drip every day so that he was still there for a few days when we got back.

We went to Sandbar, on Granville Island.  Fabulous meal and highly entertaining server by the name of Solomon Rise.

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