
I kid you not.  This used to be a dull area of desks but the new overall boss has decreed it shall be a ‘playroom’ complete with ping pong table. My PA’s face when she heard this! Actually it will be nice to have a bit of space to sit in.  When everyone is back of course.  

Today was a strain, the trains stop at Guildford from London so V drove me there and in addition the car park is closed for the Replacement Buses.  Went to the office but that was also closed for the refurb.  Good meeting with a broadcaster on the Middle Eastern set show and then lunch with them at Rovi. Then I sort of roamed the streets in the rain prior to a meeting that turned into a call ending up doing a zoom in a Pret A Manger on an ipad that was running out of battery.  By the time I got home I was cold and quite fed up. Who says TV isn’t glamorous. 

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