
By 58jc


I went back to the gym today after two weeks break (two lions). It takes a lot of motivation but I always feel good afterwards. Home for a shower and change before lunch with the girls. We went back into to the Dirty Habit as they were still offering a discount. It was packed (half term) and parking was a nightmare - and it was raining. I’m sure the ‘next door’ community hub is doing overtime with complaints about the cars. Good to catch up and laugh and chat. No photos today but book recommendation sent to me by a friend I lunched with.

Home to an empty house as OH was visiting MIL. I made a cake and he told me about his day when he got back. He played badly at golf and got frustrated with MIL who was in one of her horrible snappy moods. (Which have lasted around 40 years - you get the idea I’m not a fan?). I think I had the better day.

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