Expensive Vrigin!

Today being as there as no food in the house and the occupants were threatening to eat eachother, I went shopping to the Co op. I only bought enough messages to fill the wee plastic basket so assumed it wouldn't cost that much. Well you could have knocked me over with a toilet roll! Two scabby plastic bags (no I dont have a hessian tree hugging one) later and the checkout guy relevied me of £30.77. I was aghast! Since when did Dick Turpin go into retail? Anyhow I got to the car and decided to double check my till slip (something I rarley do) and saw that the bottle of olive oil cost £7.26! In the name of God I thougt thats dearer than the oil I put in my damn car!
So back I toddled with the offending olive oil bottle in one paw & the till slip in the other. I went over to the shelf and grabbed the bottle next to the one I had bought and I swear it said "special offer £5. Anyhow armed with the two bloody olive oil bottles I went to a diffirent till and said to her I had bought the wrong bottle & could I exchange it. "no problem " said the new checkout assistant so she tried to figure out how to do it. Meantime there was the dreaded que forming behind me and when the lady said "I will have to refund you the money & you pay me again is that ok" I duly said "but of course" "I will have to get the supervisor first" said she, by this time I could feel the ever lengthening exsasparated shoppers (most of whom I knew) looking daggers at me. Anyhow over came the supervisor and she jabbed a few buttons & then scanned the second bottle I had picked up. "That will be £8.44" said she!!! What! I almost had a fit as the second bottle was now £1.18 DEARER than the first bloody bottle! Dilema!! Do I go back to the shelf to pick yet another flaming bottle & also risk the wrath of everyone in Lochgilphead or do I bluff my way out by saying I much preferred the expensive EXTRA Virgin olive oil!!! Ok call me a coward but I just swallowed my stupidity and calmly walked out with what has to be the dearest blooming bottle of olive oil I have ever bought! Tomorrow Im going back just to double check how did I get it so horribly wrong!
Happy blipping all

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