Play Me a Tune

Sunny with a high of 54 deg F and low of 50 deg F. Hubby had a dermatologist appointment early. They biopsied two spots on his face. He said the numbing needles were atrocious. He took our recycling and trash to the convenience center and ran a few more errands. I did typical house tasks. It was pleasant outside so he added accessories to the e-bikes and took care of the birdies. My sister and BIL treated Momma to lunch and then got her to the podiatrist. They brought her to our house so she could accompany us to Brooklyn’s band/strings concert. This was the first time we got to enjoy her playing her viola since COVID arrived. Everyone had fun, even Mancil who wanted to be in my blip with his sister. Make the most of each day folks. Only 19 new COVID cases. Thanks for stopping by and Sky said she really appreciates your kind wishes. The ankle and foot continued to swell today which leads us to believe it is sprained. “Teaching music is not my main purpose. I want to make good citizens. If children hear fine music from the day of their birth and learn to play it, they develop sensitivity, discipline and endurance. They get a beautiful heart.” - Shinichi Suzuki

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