Family Dog

By Family_Dog

mrs mop in the house

I have always been rather lax in the 'housework department' (if there ever were such a department in my house, which - due to being lax, obviously there is not). For example, I count it as a personal achievement that I never iron unless I absolutely HAVE to and even then the only occasions that fall into that category are: interviews; funerals - actually, that covers it.

I also ensure that after Arlo goes to bed the only housework that is done is shoving toys in the toybox and having tea, oh and opening wine. Having had Arlo clamped to me like a limpit (gorgeous limpit though) for the last 2 days I had to do some tonight and so I swept and mopped.

It turns out that Arlo is on approximately day 4 or 5 of a virus, now he has a rash on his tummy and so we zoomed him off to the hopital to an appointment set up by NHS24. He's also got the beginnings of an ear infection, but we've caught it quickly so he's on the antibiotics and seemed a little perkier before going to bed. Poor bugger.

Earlier in the week I'd pretended to Bry that I was buying a new cookbook from Amazon. He despaired, given that I have about 874 cook books, and rolled his eyes and sighed and then left me to it. Little did he know that I wasn't really buying a cookbook BUT the 4th series of THE WIRE. Ho Ho Ho. I'm such a joker.

The dilemma this evening is this: after starting the first series of Twin Peaks (and being well and truly excited by finishing it off) do we chuck Twin Peaks on the pile of 'to do's' and shove The Wire in or do we stay on the Twin Peaks path and try very very hard to save The Wire????

What would YOU do?

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