Woke up to an email from Blip asking if they could use one of my photos on their new website front page. It was one of my first winning shots for college - this one. Of course I said yes!

Nice email from Joanna at work for a document I did yesterday - she wants to send it to everyone as an example of what to do!

Janthi met Sarah Brigham at a meeting last week and I've asked her for some tickets to their next show so she's put me on the invite list ... really nice to be in touch again!

Submitted some work to Getty last night so am waiting with baited breath ... they've not looked at them yet and have said it could take up to 60 days. Hmmmm .... I'm too impatient!

Mac's been funny these last couple of days ... very aloof. Hope he's OK. I miss him sleeping on the end of the bed. Lots of fur balls and sick to clean up this evening too.

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