Yoga by the Waves

I love taking this photo (see extra) as we go though the Dartford Tunnel beneath the Thames. However, this was not the photo I was intending to post today. I took some shots from the balcony of the sea in the sunshine as we were leaving the apartment. Now at home I have lost the camera memory card - somehow it has disappeared in amongst the unpacking. It will turn up and I will change the photos later. 

It was sad to leave Hythe, especially on such a lovely day. I do like being by the sea, but we have had a good few days and have enjoyed seeing family. 

Now we know we have been very fortunate in travelling today - a calm day between storms. We now intend staying put for the next few days, although I don't think we are going to suffer as much as those in other areas. 

Card found and photo changed - a lone Yoga person right by the waves. Lovely sunny morning. 

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