
By TJGray

Yaschica 35 Electro GT Working Again

This is a last minute blip as I totally forgot to do a blip for the day, hence the bad quality down to my iPod 4th gen having bad low light capability ( however all of my blips have been taken on it because I'm not using my digital camera as much and I am still waiting to finish 2 rolls of film and get 1 roll of film back from the developers)

On to the blip, I bought my yaschica for £17 at a shop in Westbourne and I like lots of other people who own a camera from the electro series were faced with a dilemma, how should I power it? This is because most if not all of the camera from the electro series were designed to run on mercury cell batteries ( which are now banned in most countries due to environmental and health concerns). I decided to purchase an adaptor and a cheap easily available battery to use with the adaptor. When I first got the adaptor and battery it didn't appear to work with the camera and after a while of fiddling around with it I gave up.

However about 10 minutes ago after 2-3 months of not trying it I decided to give it a go, and it worked!

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