LA9 to CA95010 and back..

By LA9toCA95010

I blame the margaritas

This one is very lazy.

As a journal, this is currently a Big Fail. What actually happened was that today we had lunch downtown with a (hopefully) new friend. Great Mexican food, lunchtime margaritas, interesting conversation, sunshine, walk on the wharf to look at the seals hanging out there. Lovely time all round.

And not one photo.

This is from the art store browse that R and I did afterwards. I love the art supply store - lots and lots of beautiful things for potential projects....dangerously tempting. I couldn't get the right combination of a wide shot: to show the scale of the stuff, and a close up: to show the fantastic colours. But at least the margaritas had worn off enough to remember to take a picture. So...yeah, laziness.

And the next day was something similar. Had lunch with friends I hadn't seen in a really long time. Like...hmm..twenty years. Outdoor patio lunch with them and my Lovely Friend and her dogs, walk on the beach after. Nothing. Not a single picture.

I'll say that I was too busy being IN it to step out and observe it. Post-event rationalisation. I do want to take more pictures of people though. I must figure that out. There surely must be a limit to the number of photos of waves that one person needs....

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