FIGGY's Sporadic Blips

By Figgy

Ruaridh again.......

Babysitting didn't quite go as planned last night.

Fiction: I had visions of the three us having a night of playing with Ruaridh, lots of smiles and plenty of giggles.

Fact: Lots of crying when mummy and daddy left for their night out followed by lots of consoling and jiggling about to keep happy. Sleep finally followed quickly overtaken by wakening up when laid in his cot. This whole scenario repeated itself until he finally fell asleep on MOH's shoulder. Fear of putting him down in case he wakened again caused MOH to remain in the same position for the next three hours until mummy and daddy arrived home and Ruaridh wakened up full of smiles and giggles!! MOH struggling with stiff joints and a sore back.

You've got to love him.

We're off over the other side of Aberdeen to stay tonight with #3 son and his lovely girlfriend Fi. Then an early start home on Tuesday morning.

Ruaridh is going into hospital on Wednesday for a wee operation. I'll keep you posted on how he is.

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