
By Roberts31

Sleepy Willow

I bought a new camera today to celebrate my 100th blip. I went out to buy a Canon GX1 but it is huge and the idea is to have a compact camera I can carry when I haven't got my DSLR.
The nice lady in Castle Cameras showed me the Sony and after a lot of indecision I took her advice and bought it.
It doesn't have a viewfinder but its small enough to slip into a pocket so will be great for blips.
Unfortunately when I tried to upload them I discovered that Lightroom 3 doesn't support the RAW files so I had to upgrade to Lightroom 4 which turned a simple upload into an hour long marathon.
Anyway I am pleased with th results so far and I am looking forward to getting to grips with it in the next few weeks.
This is Willow, she thought it was bedtime and didn't want to pose, in fact she had trouble keeping her eyes open.

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