Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat


Been silly busy and really knackered recently so not much blipping done. Need to get my blip mojo back.

Eva is up to three meals a day now. She's really loving her food and has really chunked up. She's also going down loads better at bed time. We finally put her cot up last week and she seems loads happier having a bit of space to wriggle round. Tobes starts his new nursery/pre-school days this week so I should have a bit more time to do some stuff with Eva. I did so much with Tobes when he was tiny and I feel guilty that Eva hasn't had the same.

Retail therapy this morning as I was sick of having nothing to wear.
Farrier to Lime this afternoon - re-fitted the heart bar shoes as he's not done much work since last shoeing. His hoof has grown out well so hopefully he'll stay sound. We were out for an hour on Sunday with lots of trotting and cantering and he felt great so fingers crossed he'll stay that way.
Popped in to see Bry, Lyra and Eden for a quick catch up.
The Frankies stopped in on their way home from Alton Towers.
Evening curled up by the fire with the pups. The best end to a busy day.

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