Nadine Pierce, a snapshot

By nadinepierce

Snow Day

Well it was indeed white this morning but only an inch or so, that said it apparantly caused an extraordinary amount of havoc on the roads for such a small amount.

It snowed pretty much nonstop for hours and hours but hasn't done much damage, this was taken about mid afternoon. I assume if it rains tomorrow it'll all be gone again in no time :(

Back 'home' in North Devon the flag pole got broken in half, trees were uprooted and numerous cars damaged by flying debris. Thankfully the storm was a bit later coming in than predicted otherwise it would have coincided with a Spring tide which is never good news. We used to get taken out of school to help sandbag the properties around the harbour and quayside as kids.

I didn't get out today and tomorrow's rescheduled catch-up (cancelled because of the last storms) has been cancelled as my friend has tested positive for Covid. Our shower broke today so think it'll need to be a Stobo trip instead so I can get my hair washed.

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