
By cracker


We had a BBQ in the park yesterday with my friends from the fire brigade. It was a lovely day and great to see everyone. Three of the girls had had babies just after I had Joti so it was good to catch up and meet them!

We were supposed to go and see another friend last night but spence was exhausted and it hasn't helped that he fell backwards off the picnic bench and whacked his head on the gravel and it started bleeding! We stayed home instead and I was asleep at ten past eight!!

Today we drive to Neerim south and spent the morning with Tarsh and her kids Ethan and Laura. If was lovely to catch up with them again! We had lunch there then went and spent the afternoon with Joe and Bev which was great!

Joti had a sleep and while I was sitting on the couch talking Bev, Spence crawled up into my lap and told me he wanted a rest! He was asleep in about a minute and a half and slept for an hour!

We went back to Tarsh's house for tea and we got to see Scott who had finished work then came home!

Tomorrow we are having lunch with Cheryl, kaz's mum and then going to Toora to stay with Mum and Dad until Sunday!! Busy busy!

Here is Spence having a cuddle with Joe!

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