School Day

A day off for me (Chris), I had booked a day of learning at Amersham Studios. Originally due in November, I had to defer because of my eye operation and then the course moved again due to Covid. It then ended up being a very stormy day resulting in only 3 attendees making it and we did spend quite a lot of the day listening to the wind rattling through the roof, wondering whether it was going to stay in place! The upside was, plenty of shooting time as we learnt (and practiced) headshots and portraiture using only continuous (LED) rather than flash lighting. With the power of LED lights getting better, it is becoming increasingly viable to do this and whilst not perfect for every situation, benefits like being able to see what the lighting is doing all the time are useful. We were joined by model Charmagne for the day and we tried a number of different lights, styles and setups. It was a good session.

Annie dropped me off in the morning. She was due to attend the funeral of a former work colleague in Bristol in the afternoon but with the weather as it was, she very sensibly decided to use the online facility to watch it from home instead. I was going to come back to Aylesbury on the train from Amersham but all services were cancelled so once our workshop was completed and whilst I waited for Annie to come back and collect me, I helped the studio setup for their next training course! Good to be useful.

Hope everyone has stayed safe.

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