
Late afternoon yesterday the central heating was not working. Not to worry we pay £50 monthly for British Gas to look after us. Trying to find the relevant number to ring was left to my son in London. 22.00 nice chap called but didn’t know why he had come, but mentioned carbon monoxide and renewed our out of date monitor (front of photo). After much checking he couldn’t find anything wrong, then told me although they are trained to do certain work, tracing leaks, there are lots they cannot do as B.G could get back and say it was wrong. This contract company who do work for B.G. don’t appear to have good relationship. I was amazed when he himself could not find contact no. for them. By this time it was very cold. He left an hour later leaving me with the small fan heater and many apologies, ould not even suggest anything. Got to bed midnight with hot mug of tea and my new little friend.
Meanwhile in a hospital bed, Tedwin gets working on computer side of things and at 10 a.m. there was heat which lasted just over an hour. A few ‘phone calls for me to disengage monitor point then re-engage and a bit later there was heat and, dare I say it, at 15.30 the radiators are getting nicely warm, do hope it stays.
Question is, where is all this monthly money going, we have one service a year, and he is not a B.G worker.
I can now take off my red body warmer, a real friend for a louzy period.
When I was given the monoxide monitor, I said I wouldn’t die from c.m. poisoning but probably hyperthermia.

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