Spoon Shots

By spoonshots

Tibetan Love

Today we woke up in Pokhara in The Little Tibetan Guest House. The owners, as is typical of Tibetans, are so sweet and kind. When we were leaving they gave us white kata (scarves) for good luck and a special envelope with the Tibetan flag in. It was a lovely gesture and we shall be flying the flag next 10th of March when we are in a country that allows us to protest against the occupation of Tibet.

It was then a 7 hour bus journey back to (dirty, noisey, smelly) Kathmandu and to home, where our Tibetan family were celebrating Zeydon's 12th birthday. Here you can see her with (l-r) Pema, Lapa, (Zeydon) and Nima. They are the most gorgeous of girls and they had a great time playing pass the parcel and musical chairs. It was top fun and then we had a big family dinner of buff momos which were delicious!

A special day! :-)

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