Saturday: Controlled Chaos

We started the day with breakfast at ‘Yolks’ on East Hastings.  It was superb - I had the Pork Belly Benny.  I had such fun saying it, particularly quickly, that I think it might have started to get quite irritating.  

We then stopped by ‘Macleods’ and ‘Paperhound’ bookshops.  This is Macleods - impressively the owner knows where everything is.  I was very restrained and only bought 4 books.  In my defence, three of them I had been chasing for ages.  I managed to find the three Antrobus books, written  by Lawrence Durrell (also known as ‘Sketches From Diplomatic Life’).  They are absolutely hilarious - or, at least, that’s how I remember them.  I had them in one volume, ‘Antrobus Complete’, given to me by a friend for Christmas many years ago.  Said friend (yes, I’m looking at you, Will Pryor!) borrowed the book after giving it to me and never gave it back.  Honestly!

Back home where some serious sorting and packing took place this afternoon (don’t worry, the references to packing won’t last much longer.  I’ll soon substitute them for references to unpacking).  In fact, this picture is symptomatic of my state of mind, with the exception that, unlike the bookshop owner, I don’t know where anything is.

On another note, I’m fairly sure I read somewhere that the Vancouver Fire Department told Mr Macleod to get a grip.  Well, that clearly hasn’t happened!

Ooh, I’d forgotten it was my anniversary.  4,500 daily pictures ain’t bad!

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