
By Cari

Doctor Day

Today was my visit to the new doctor. Medical Acupuncture/Chinese Medicine. I LIKED him!! For the first hour he just talked about the questionnaire I had filled out and gave him several days ago. From that he determined where I'm at and how my organs relate to one another. He also explained how the body works according to the Chinese medicine way. It was FASCINATING to listen to him. I am not a fan of 'western' medicine and their "quick fix give 'em a pill" approach. I like the idea of natural medicine. He doesn't use needles but 2 pen looking things that produce heat (energy) though they have no power source. What you see on my hands are tape covered 'dots' that have different metals under them. Everything in your body has a relation to a part of your hand. The blue dots are pen marks where he measured and such, the bandaid metal dots are put where he thinks I need healing, the red is fuzz from my red sweatshirt I was wearing :) He also gave me 3 herbals that I put in water and drink 2 or 3 times a day. They taste pretty icky but I was able to chug them down. Those are more for the menopause feelings and anxiety. I go back every week for a while. Oh, and he put one of those dot things in my ear and, no joke, I felt calm instantly. He taught me breathing exercises to do before bed to sleep better. I feel better just knowing someone is helping me to feel better!! In the next few weeks he will introduce a form of Tia Chi, I can't remember the name, and other techniques for whole body relaxation. I am getting Glenn into him right away!! He says he can help him with his back pain. THAT would be amazing if he could diminish Glenns pain and reduce his needs for so many medications. It was a good day!
I'm going to go breathe and go to sleep :)

Happy Tuesday

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