Meditation in Amsterdam
We flew from Cardiff to Bilbao on our way to visit friends Lekeitio, northern Spain. We had to spend five hours in Amsterdam. The airport is very good if you have to spend hours there. There are lot of things to do. There is a branch of the Rijksmuseum there where you can see works of art. There is a meditation place also where you can sit for a while to meditate or pray.
Hedfanon ni o Gaerdydd i Bilbao ar ein ffordd i ymweld â ffrindiau yn Lekeitio, gogledd Sbaen. Roedd rhaid i ni dreulio pum awr yn Amsterdam. Mae'r maes awyr yn dda iawn os oes rhaid i chi dreulio oriau yna. Mae'r lot o bethau i wneud. Mae cangen o Rijksmuseum yna ble dych chi'n gallu weld gweithiau celf. Mae'r lle myfyrdod yna hefyd ble dych chi'n gallu eistedd am dipyn i fyfyrio neu weddio.
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