Eunice Came To Visit
I battened down the hatches, and moved a few things in my garden before I went to bed last night. I stayed home all day while the storm came through. By late morning I could tell that these fence panels weren’t going to make it and before long I saw them collapse. Thankfully it’s my neighbour’s fence, not mine, so he will have to pay for the replacement! So many people have suffered far far worse in this storm, so I’m feeling very thankful.
Along with hundreds of thousands across the world I spent part of the afternoon watching planes land at Heathrow, thanks to the YouTube channel ‘Big Jet TV’. He soon became an internet sensation and was featured on many news channels later in the day. I watched our Houston flight come in, one of my regular trips.
You can watch it here…all 8 hours of it if you wish!
Storm Eunice: Big Jet TV turns plane watching into a phenomenon
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