Jimmy, Finn, Yasmin and I

By Caronie

Nursery exhaustion

Well, Finn had a two hour settling in session today. There were tears from both of us, crazy how different it feels leaving him there rather than at home with his Nanna. Finn enjoyed himself while playing but didn't like meal time, wouldn't touch a thing and got really upset. I knew this was gong to be a sticking point but hated hearing him sob in his sleep in the car after I had picked him up. Might be a bumpy ride especially as his tummy is playing up. Not sure if it is a bug, silent reflux or just fussy eating but it looks like my skinny boy is back
: (

In more cheery news we did manage to get out after the nursery visit and see Grace and Ellen for a spot of lunch and mooching at a herb farm, so not all bad.

Fingers crossed my baba is better soon x

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