Life In Wales

By KarenC


We’ve had another full on day today and after breakfast we did the first tip run, in the pouring rain, and then headed back to gather more stuff. I also advertised a few things for sale and a lady came to collect the microwave.

I found one of mum’s purses, and inside was this passport size photo of dad. I’m not sure how old he was there, but I’m thinking early 20’s. Mum met him on her first day at work when she was 14 and he was 21 so I guess this was around that time. It’s a lovely photo and I shall treasure it. I took a photo of it with my phone and sent it to Rach, who said I look like him, and I think I do :-)

After the second tip run, we were soaked wet through and decided to call it a day and headed home. It was a horrible journey, very windy and torrential rain!

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