He’s in the money

I’m shattered. The boys are supposed to be getting ready for bed but it’s me who needs a little nap.

They were not ready when we called to pick them up, having agreed to take James to his swimming lesson then bring them straight here. But he was being awkward, saying he didn’t want to go swimming as he’d already had rugby in the morning. Then when we got going he was worried he’d be late. They both disappeared into the swimming place before we had the car locked and by the time we got upstairs to the changing area Thomas was coming out with the bag of stuff and James was in the pool. He can be so speedy when he wants. We got a coffee and Thomas had a cookie in the upstairs cafe from where we could watchJames bomb up and down doing a good backstroke and making progress with the breathing in front crawl. He was in a group of 6 older children and I was pleased to see he listened well and complied with all he was asked to do. )Daughter had been distressed to find he was behind with reading at school. He struggles yet understands the content and has a good vocabulary and use of language.) He doesn’t like trying things he thinks he might not succeed at. It’s hard being the younger one as Thomas is where he should be with learning and is doing really well at rugby. Daughter is trying to be positive - he is a happy, healthy lad.

I forgot to mention she has accepted a job with another firm which is based in Bristol. The same hours and lots more money and working from home.

It’s been foul outside all day so we started playing Monopoly but James gave up when he got sent to jail. Thomas got addicted so we had to keep playing till I had mortgaged all my property and became “bank-robbed” (bankrupt!)

Mr C and I had a subdued meal last night as when we got over to Chris’s she told us her old uni friend’s husband had died. Carol and Phil were also there to eat with us. We had all met Graham who was a really nice man.

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