
By Hamp5on


Another morning at the Launderette for Danny! Then a text from Stephen asking if we had plans, which we didn't except for a roast. So he and Jud headed over and shared the roast with us. So good to see them. Jud flies home tomorrow so I'm extra glad we got this time in. 
Tonight we had church, Sole and her sister in-law came too.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) How different Sole's sister in-law is with me. She used to shoot daggers at me like she absolutely hated me, now she'll stop in the street to tell me what's happening in her life and show me pics of her grandkids!! 
2) The lovely turn the day took with Jud and Stephen being over. 
3) The calm that falls over town on a Sunday...quiet streets, church bells, birdsong...it feels tranquil! 

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