Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2022 Thursday — Chloe

Every now and then Chloe does a great job of filling-in for a desperation photo for my blip. Today was one of those days.

It wasn’t so much that it was a do-nothing day as it was a take no photos day. Occasionally we have one of those.

This is little Chloe. She’s been part of the Funville family since December 26, 2010. She was 8 months old and about 8 pounds when she joined us.

That’s our Thursday!
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

P.S. There was a fabulous interview of Lara Logan on FlashPoint News this evening. Lara was formerly a correspondent on “60 Minutes” News program. Here’s the link:

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