Naked and green a few months ago , this passionfruit was etched by our son-in-law Max as he remembered doing this when a child. As the green fruit matures and colours the etching develops as a scar on the ripe fruit .
We didn't know he'd done it at the time so when we found it today amongst the fallen ripe fruit, I sent him a pic of his "art work" ...much laughter.
Naked and swimming today , is Darcy (courtesy daughter# 2)with his Mum and Dad in Currumbin Waters, Queensland...and in just over a week they'll be here in New Zealand and we'll meet him for the first time...much excitement, and he'll likely find the temps somewhat cooler before long so here, completed today, is the possum, merino and silk jacket I've knitted him.
Completing the natural look is this surprise "Naked Lady" blooming today by our letterbox...blushing, as she should : ))
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