I Don't Need Tomorrow

My Dear Princess and Dear Friends,

I was in a more philosophical frame of mind today. Partly influenced by yesterday's events, party because agencies are still asking me what I want to do after this project. 

It just made me think about the passage of time.

Today I had a nice little moment lying on the floor in the spare room. I was rolling around with cats and the sun came streaming in and I was listening to the cicadas chirp and I wished I could stop time and just never move from that spot. 

Seriously. If everything was to stop still now I would be happy. 

I'm not against tomorrow. Don't get me wrong. For one thing I have a trip planned next week. And a plan to go and see "The Batman" next month.

But it was a nice moment and for a while there, I wished I could stay in it forever.


p.s. Today's blip is of a Polaroid we took in the photo booth at the wedding yesterday. That's us with a new friend we made called Jane. And photos of photos always make me think of this tv show.

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