Blackheath Station ... After Dark.
"Moving right along now. We're walking ... We're walking. Hold IT! Hurry it up at the back please. Bit of shush thank YOU!! On your left we see what is known IN the trade as an EMergency Blip."
It had been one very full day. In fact it has been a pretty full week. My good wife Norma is organising a charity event in aid of the local Phoenix Choir. It's a Champagne Supper and Fashion Parade with the co-operation and sponsorship of one of Blackheath's popular boutiques. We have been up to our ears with organisational matters, I have these RE photo jobs jostling for attention and on top of everything else the Rhododendron Festival has just taken delivery of many thousands of dollars worth of new lighting and sound equipment ... which I had talked them into buying, of course.
I have spent days unpacking stuff, assembling, labelling, cataloguing and testing, organising it into storage bins, sorting cables, digesting manuals etc All lovely toys and good clean fun I suppose but the pressure is on to supply light and audio for the fashion parade this Friday.
Anyway we'd both been on the go since 5 am this morning and come 10 pm Norma and I lumbered out of the community centre - dog tired after having run a rehearsal for the models and the back stage crew. We were packed up and about to drive home, when it hit me ... NO BLIP. The railway station is just across the highway from the hall and so I thought I'd blip IT. It is a jolly old structure - well over 100 years old. The platform plantings are cared for by the local horticultural society and the waiting room is filled with books donated by the community for the benefit of long trips to Sydney. It's a grand but plain old thing and reflects the kind of town it serves. Worth blipping if I do say so myself.
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