Sitting out the storm

Luca was with us today; Friday is now his usual day here, but Josh is away on a training course today and it was easier for Ruth to have our help today rather than later in the week.
Luca was cheery enough when I picked him up. Our usual routine in the car, at the moment, is a shared running commentary about what we can see in the slow-moving traffic: 'There's a bus!' 'Oh yes, a blue one!' 'Another traffic light - and it's red, we're stopping!' etc. Luca gets completely engrossed in spotting traffic lights and buses, and this means that the 20 minute journey is usually not too frustrating for him.
Given the howling gale outside, we opted for quiet times in the house. But Luca really wasn't his usual self, however.  His brother Eben had a minor sickness bug recently, and it looks as though Luca is working his way through the tail end of the same thing. What really concerned both me and Richard, today, was that Luca didn't want to drink much, and didn't wee (or poo) at all, all day.  Unheard of, for him.  As it turned out when I chatted to Ruth later, he had been very sick during the night, and had both drunk a lot, and passed urine, in the morning.  So perhaps his system was just rebalancing itself.
He had a long nap in the afternoon - a rare event, now that he usually doesn't want to abandon entertaining company and activities. By the time I dropped him off back home at teatime, he had revived a bit, was eyeing up the fish fingers, vegetables and potatoes that Ruth had cooked with interest. So I'm hoping that they'll all get a good night's sleep, and be back to normal by tomorrow.

Being preoccupied with the minute details of Luca's health has prevented/protected me from dwelling too closely on Johnson's statements about 'living with covid' this evening. The most interesting item I heard on the radio, while driving back from Ruth's, was about how effectively the government has dragged its feet over efforts to tackle the whole issue of Russian oligarchs laundering their money in London. No surprises there, given the millions donated to the Tories by said oligarchs.  

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