Tiny Tuesday . . . Mariposa
Another butterfly emerged this morning. I got the tripod out and the piece of white card for a clear background. Thank you Cathy for hosting this month.
Today Christchurch will not host a civic ceremony to mark the 11th anniversary of the February 22 earthquake that killed 185 people because of public health measures in place to limit the spread of Covid-19 and the Omicron variant. The Mayor will still lay a wreath and the 185 names will be read. In future civic services to mark the earthquake anniversary would be scaled back. They would be held only to mark “significant” anniversaries or when international bereaved families were visiting. Yesterday we had a 5.6 earth quake that made the house shake and rattle. All this made me think I would mark the anniversary by looking forward. When the butterfly was opening and closing it wings I could see it was a female. She was eager to be off and fluttered to the carpet. I carefully put the stem she had been on down so she could climb up and carried her to the deck. She flew off to begin her life.
Turn! Turn! Turn! Pete Seeger, The Book Of Ecclesiastes, The Byrds 1965
. . . A time to build up, a time to break down
A time to dance, a time to mourn
A time to cast away stones, a time to gather stones together
To everything (turn, turn, turn)
There is a season (turn, turn, turn)
And a time to every purpose, under heaven . . .
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