Alicante Amigas

These ladies are visiting from their home in Alicante, they called 24-7 Ibiza yesterday to ask if we could meet up and chat about life and work after our team meeting we went and met them and had time getting to know them. We went up to Dalt Vila where I saw Sole from the wall, lovely to have a chat even if it was yelled! 

Poor Nate had a bad night, he was up coughing from midnight til 4, so today felt tiring! I'm not good with not enough sleep! He seemed chirpy enough for school though and today's Carnaval thing was going in wearing odd shoes. Tomorrow is the big one - PJ's!
Danny and Asha are at Caña Club but I wasn't sure an evening in the cold and damp would do Nate's chest much good, so we're home watching his favourite movie, Puss in Boots. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) The random connection with these 4 women.
2) Seeing a few of the Roma women this morning.
3) Our prayer support group gathering for a zoom with us later. 

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