Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Spring blossoms

It has been a busy day today, as is always the case after being away. I got more laundry done, walked Xena twice, went grocery shopping, sorted dentist and optician appointments, made a lentil and vegetable soup for lunch, and edited a few images from my trip - with 1500 images I have a lot of editing to do!

I have come home to spring - the blossoms are appearing, the daffodils and crocuses are up - I thought these tiny blossoms would work for Tiny Tuesday.

 It is still windy and today on my walk in the woods I could not believe the sight of huge trees fallen from the storm. We have a wonderful cherry tree on our high street and that was lost in the storm, which is such a pity. I also noticed an enormous tree that has fallen outside a neighbour's house down the road.

I have enjoyed being back home today, Xena has enjoyed having me home too and she follows me from room to room. It is lovely to be home - although I note that in four weeks time I am off to the Outer Hebrides to Harris and Lewis, which hopefully will be warmer than Iceland!

Thank you to everyone who left such lovely comments and hearts on my journal while I was in Iceland, I appreciate it very much.

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