
By Legacy

Vocal Visitor

This gull was making so much noise that I finally gave in and checked on his problem.  Gulls show up at my place occasionally because I'm not all that far from the bay where there are hundreds of them.  I never see more than one at a time and when that happens I figure he/she is just scouting inland a bit.  I have a feeling this one was trying to get the whole flock to show up given the noise he was making.  When all his yelling didn't work up he flew off in kind of lazy, loopy circles but at least headed in the right direction toward  the bay.  

Today was another of my physical therapy days.  Because I fell I'm considered a fall risk I'm now doing some balance exercises under the watchful eyes of two therapists, Mike and Carol who come a couple times a week to put me through my paces.  I think it's all helping because I'm not as unsteady as I was.  

I don't have any pain in my neck which is good, and I see my neurosurgeon next Tuesday.  I'm hoping he'll tell me that I can take the neck brace off at least on a limited basis each day.  The worst that can happen is that I'll have to continue wearing it through March.  It's annoying and itchy, but while I don't love it, I've adjusted to it.  

I finished back-blipping from February 4.  I did manage to take a picture almost every day but didn't get them posted.  Now, I'm up to date.  I still can't get out on my own so as usual, some critter will have to come by the window so I can get a picture, otherwise it's all up to Lizzie to strike a pose for the camera.  

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