things, bits & bobs...

By Nicpic

100 blips!

Wow, so far so good, 100 blips today! I love my daily blip and think it's helping me learn more, more roll on the next 100!

I thought about doing something fancy with the number 100 but then decided to blip something I love, taking photos of birdies. It's wonderful to take so many photos of a bird and have so many different ones...many that are binned but the ones that are clear and sharp always give me a buzz!

So, spent about 4 hours this aft with birdie friend Jo looking for lesser spotted woodpeckers. We didn't find them but we had a lovely afternoon, nuthatches, marsh/willow tit (yet to be decided), treecreepers, blue tits, great tits etc etc enjoyable, relaxing and peaceful.

Finally, I brought 'props' home for my back garden birdies, branches with lichen, rotting tree stumps etc.... I've put them out and have many bewildered looking's to aid the taking of better photos :)

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