
The minky to play! Well, until 11:30am, then I whisked her away to her nursery. A taster session only.
The News is full of Putin, and his recognition of Luhansk and Donetsk regions as independent states. But does he mean the whole of those areas or just the parts he already occupies? That was the question his spokespeople couldn’t answer. It was sometime later that he clarified it. "We have recognised the independence of these republics," he said, which had the borders "within the Donetsk and Luhansk regions at the time when they were part of Ukraine”. That sounds a bit more worrying. Right enough, he doesn’t need all those troops just to invade areas he already occupies, I guess.
But the bigger news was Coronavirus and finally our FM has accepted the inevitable and chucked in the non-pharmaceutical interventions. But not yet, because we’re cautious and we care (unlike …  etc etc). I think I’ll post a little extra of the current state of play as the waves sweep about. 
Later, a film! The Lost Daughter, which I enjoyed immensely much. A sad little tale, and so well acted. Fiction mind, unlike The Puppet Master. I couldn’t have made that up.

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