Today is a triple celebration. The first is that I got up in time to see this beautiful sunrise, the second is that it is our younger son’s birthday - hence the candles - and the third is that because in this age of technology, we were able to speak to him in Thailand - in real time!

Usually on our sons’ birthdays, I try and ring them at exactly the time they were born - a bit sentimental, I know, but it's what Mums do!  Julian was born at 7.59 in the morning, so spot on that time today, I tried to ring him on WhatsApp.  There was no response, so I rang him on his mobile - forgetting that it might be an "arm and a leg" job ringing abroad.  When he picked up, Mr. HCB and I sang "Happy Birthday" to him and then I told him I was going to ring off and try again on WhatsApp, which I did.

We then had a great chat with him for about half an hour, finding out what he has been doing.  He did tell us that at 7.59 Bangkok time, he looked at his watch and wondered whether we would ring, but of course, that was 12.59 UK time!

You may be wondering about the candles - they still light up every morning and evening and have done for the last 15 months.  As our house backs on to a traffic roundabout, lots of people will have seen them - and one friend in particular - so I hope they are, have been and still will be a "light in the darkness" - when things start to change and restrictions are lifted.

After our conversation, we went out for coffee and both said it had been good to make contact with Jules - can't believe that it has been four years since we last saw him, when we went over to Vietnam for our Golden Wedding, and not sure when we will actually see him again.  I have included an extra collage that I did for Jules' birthday a few years ago - if he sees it, he won't be happy, but at least there are a few thousand miles between us!  

As usual, we went over to Hall & Woodhouse for our coffee and Mr. HCB pointed out this quote which was on a beam above the bar, which I think Jules would like - I have no doubt he has already downed one or two beers, so Happy Birthday to our faraway son!  I did check that it was Martin Luther who wrote this and it appears to be true.

“Whoever drinks beer,
     he is quick to sleep;
whoever sleeps long,
     does not sin;
whoever does not sin,
     enters Heaven!
Thus, let us drink beer!”
Martin Luther

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