Strange times

If you’ve travelled to Madeira, you’ll be aware that there can be times when the journey here and back can be tricky.

The island can have rapidly changing winds and that plays havoc with landings and departures. Since last Friday there have been tales of difficult journeys, diverted planes (to the Canaries or to the nearby flatter island Porto Santo). Three flights diverted to Tenerife yesterday were unable to land first time today.

The weather can change rapidly. This morning it was very wet. The pools had attracted debris blown from the trees in overnight winds.

I’ve just had an idyllic swim. The guys have cleared all signs of leaves etc away and it is pristine and fabulous again.

As you may be able to see from my blip, there are higher rocks and protective walls to the right. Ten years ago the sea would intrude, fill the pools, and it all had to be cleaned out. Now, the design is protective and the odd leaves, flowers or branch can be swiftly sorted.

I’ve booked a jeep safari to the second highest peak for Saturday. Last time it was dense fog so we didn’t get up to the 1600 metres. Fingers crossed for this time. But Nature herself will decide.

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