Dull light on fading daffodils

I think I overdid my exertions yesterday, as my shoulder and knee joints and various muscles have been complaining like mad ever since I got home. I couldn't sleep very well so today I've stayed at home in the warmth catching up on messages, and reports and starting to sort out all my various picture libraries, by which I really mean trashing all the rubbishy images I've accumulated.

I also sorted out my other camera as I offered it to Woodpeckers for her photography course which she starts this evening. She may not use it, but I thought that it is an option if her tutor suggests a DSLR rather than a compact.

After teatime, I nipped down to the dining room to photograph the daffodils which have started to fade. I have just started reading a book called PerfectExposure, and thought this would be a good test in the dull light from the cloudy sky just penetrating the back room.

I tried it with a zoom then a prime lens and have been interested to see the differences between the images. Hopefully I can get out and about into the valleys again soon, as I have missed exploring the old mills sitting over and beside the rivers. The wide expanses of open farmland and the various commons on the tops of the Cotswold hills are also calling me. Perhaps it is the immanence of spring fever.

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