Hearts and Ruffles

The only photos I have taken today - for Instagram, so I am using one of them here. It reflects what I  have been doing anyway. 

I have caught up with the weekly flags, which to me are Postcards.

Postcard 5 was for Valentine’s Day - Hearts. Trapunto was used for this, which is a very old style of quilting in which a shape is sewn round onto a doubled piece of fabric. Then a slit is made in the back through one layer of fabric and some kind of wadding is stuffed inside the shape, so it stands out in relief. I remember doing some of this a while back now and it was good to return to it.  

Postcard 6 - Ruffles. This was a bit of fabric manipulation, which I have done a lot of in the past. This was just gathering up a piece of fabric, so creating the ruffled effect. I used some fabric which I space dyed a long time ago. What possessed me to use these colours I have no idea, far too bright for me, but I liked the way the shading worked in the ruffles. 

Rain and wind today.
Snow tomorrow.
Sun on Friday!!

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