Please don't take my favourite bone...

I've finally managed to get my favourite red bone back. It was stolen because apparently this particular one makes a very good foot massager when rolled under the human foot. I was given a lovely green minty one to replace it, but I'm not a fool and can't be bought off that easily - I know what I like and this is it! I'll have to 'bury' it between the gaps in the sofa when she isn't looking. Trouble is, I'll probably forget where I put it, and it will lie hidden for months with both of us thinking... 'where's the red bone??? I NEED that red bone...' I wish she'd just buy her own!
Alfred Dog :-)

Thanks everyone for the advice about the cleaning of the painting yesterday. I think I'd better get it done by a professional (someday) but in the meantime it's staying on the wall! :-)

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