Hoi An - Vietnam

This is a photo of a photo that has come up on my feed!! Maybe a bit of a cheat but I did take it today. In 2015, we travelled around Vietnam for three weeks. One of the places we visited was Hoi An, a rather beautiful old town. Whilst we were there, they celebrated the Full Moon Lantern Festival. Lantern Festival is one of the most unique attractions of Hoi An and in fact all throughout Vietnam. At about 8 pm, they turn off the electricity in all houses and restaurants to make the lights from the colorful silk lanterns stand out. Most of the streets and alleys are decorated by colourful lanterns and the river is covered by lots of painted wooden boats. All of this brings you back in time to the bustling trade port in 17th, 18th century. Candles are placed and burned at the bottom of the colorful paper lanterns, creating a glowing atmosphere in the twinkling moonlight. These lanterns are gently placed into the river to honour your ancestors. These two little boys were selling the paper lanterns for you to gently put into the river.

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