One of a pair of Weweia

This afternoon I drove to Western Springs and walked around the lake with my camera. The first birds seen were Pukeko, and everywhere around the lake are signs urging caution because the Pukeko are nesting. They seemed very benign to me, although to be fair I wasn't trying to intrude in their space. Next up were  Kawau paka (the little shag). I almost mistook one for a Kawa tui (Little Black Shag), although it was very obvious when I looked at the photo; yellow beak and small amounts of white starting to appear. Just before leaving, I took a photo of a group of Kawa Tui on the rock in the central part of the lake. They are described as gregarious, and in the extra, one can see why.

I chose to go next to the northwest end of the lake as that has been the best place to see Weweia (Dabchicks) the last couple of years. And there two were. Almost as if they were waiting for me. They spent much time preening , and remained on top of the water the whole time I watched. If this is the same pair as I have seen for two or three years, they have been very successful at raising their chicks. Therefore, they could be some of the progeny of that pair.

The numbers of people newly diagnosed with Covid (Omicron variant) shot up yesterday, the most ndramatic rise we have had. It has been associated with a sharp increase also in the numbers in hospital, although there is still only one person in ICU. 

This sobering news has been met by the anti groups with more calls for stopping the mandates and so on. What are the mandates they want removed. Firstly that certain workers should not have to be vaccinated. Workers such as health care workers, and teachers. Apart from it just making good sense to be fully vaccinated to work with patients, do they really want the risk of their doctor or nurse infecting them? A nurse was yesterday seen on a video shouting that she has seen the blood of those who have been vaccinated and it is BLACK and CLOTTED. I don't know where she has been.

Unvaccinated persons are not permitted to enter certain places such as indoors at a restaurant. They can still go to the restaurants if there are outside tables.

But the really worrying thing is the demands for the arrest, trail and execution of the Prime Minister, doctors, scientists, judges and on and on it goes. The ani-mandate group cannot dissociate themselves from that when a nurse can chant the rubbish she spoke yesterday.

Our liberal society has allowed the importation of the very worst from other countries. And Jordan Peterson is about to descend on us again with his covert misogyny, and encouragement of young males to demand the right to sexual activity. 

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