Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Carys and her babies

Second day of Minnie and me with nothing planned. I really enjoyed it, not sure about the Min. She was in crèche for an hour and met up with her friend J (the son of one of the crèche workers) who she has known since she was 4months but doesn't see at all regularly since school started. When they saw each other they both got a fit of the giggles and then ran off to chat on the bean bags in the corner (I had a glimpse of my teenage daughter and was glad Daddy wasn't there to see). While Carys ran around with J upstairs Mummy sat downstairs and finished of her letter to the council. Still full of cold I decided that Body Attack wasn't really a sensible option.

When we came home Carys decided to finish off painting her tea set until lunchtime. After lunch we were going to make a cross stitch bookmark from a kit she got for Christmas, however the needle is too big to go through the hole in the material. So that was abandoned and now I need to buy a blunt needle and some ribbon for her to be able to complete craft activities that were supposed to come as a complete kit. Annoying!

We also printed out birthday party invites and Carys wrote the names and then sorted them into envelopes. they are now ready to go out first day back at school. Then we did aqua beads. In between times Carys would head off to the conservatory and cuddle and look after her babies. I am not sure exactly what she was doing here, but this sort of position occurred a couple of times and I thought it was lovely so needed to get a shot of it.

W was dropped off late by his child minder, just in time for tea, which was eaten without any fuss. Bedtime also went well although he took longer to go to sleep than I expected. One day more then we are off to Devon. I think the weather is supposed to improve here (17degrees) at the weekend, but not there, rain and 13 degrees. Nevermind, kids don't mind the wet and we will be in great company so who cares.

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